NetWare/Windows Software Distribution Directory

Folder icon software_distribution directory

Line SpacerMaster copy of GroupWise® software

Folder icon agents
File icon install.exe
Folder icon nlm
Folder icon nt
Folder icon startups
Folder icon snmp
Folder icon help

Line SpacerGroupWise agent software
Line SpacerGroupWise Agent Installation program
Line SpacerNetWare® agent software
Line SpacerWindows agent software
Line SpacerAgent startup files
Line SpacerGroupWise MIB files
Line SpacerAgent Web console help files

Folder icon domain
File icon wpdomain.dc
File icon gwdom.dc
File icon wphost.dc
File icon gwpo.dc

Line SpacerDomain data dictionary files
Line SpacerData dictionary for GroupWise 4.x domain databases
Line SpacerData dictionary for GroupWise 6.x and 5.x domain databases
Line SpacerData dictionary for GroupWise 4.x post office databases
Line SpacerData dictionary for GroupWise 6.x and 5.x post office databases

Folder icon po
File icon ngwguard.dc
File icon wphost.dc
File icon gwpo.dc

Line SpacerPost office data dictionary files
Line SpacerData dictionary for message store databases
Line SpacerData dictionary for GroupWise 4.x post office databases
Line SpacerData dictionary for GroupWise 6.x and 5.x post office databases

Folder icon client
File icon setup.cfg
Folder icon win32
File icon setup.exe
Folder icon addons
Folder icon gwmailto
Folder icon gwtip
Folder icon ofviews
Folder icon zen

Line SpacerGroupWise client software
Line SpacerGroupWise client installation configuration file
Line SpacerGroupWise client for Windows
Line SpacerGroupWise client installation program
Line SpacerGroupWise client addon programs
Line SpacerProgram to make GroupWise your browser e-mail program
Line SpacerProgram to display tips each time GroupWise starts
Line SpacerGroupWise client view files
Line SpacerZENworks supporting files

Folder icon admin
Folder icon c1admin
Folder icon monitor

Line SpacerGroupWise administrator software
Line SpacerGroupWise snap-ins to ConsoleOne®
Line SpacerGroupWise Monitor software

Folder icon utility
Folder icon gwcheck
Folder icon gwcsrgen
Folder icon setupip

Line SpacerGroupWise administrative utilities
Line SpacerGroupWise Check utility
Line SpacerGroupWise Generate CSR utility
Line SpacerGroupWise TCP/IP Setup utility

Folder icon internet
Folder icon gwia
Folder icon webaccess

Line SpacerInternet connectivity software
Line SpacerGroupWise Internet Agent software
Line SpacerGroupWise WebAccess software

Folder icon license

Line SpacerGroupWise Software License Agreement in multiple languages

Folder icon common

Line SpacerJava files used by GroupWise programs

Folder icon docs

Line SpacerGroupWise Installation Guide

\grpwise\software directory

The GroupWise software distribution directory resides initially on the GroupWise distribution CD. GroupWise Administration is installed directly from the CD. In addition, during installation, you create a software distribution directory on your network from which you subsequently install the GroupWise agents and GroupWise client software.

The default software distribution directory is \grpwise\software.

agents directory

The agents subdirectory contains all files associated with GroupWise agents:

install.exe file

The install.exe file in the agent subdirectory is the installation program you run to install the GroupWise agents on the servers where you will run the POA and/or MTA. For instructions, see "Installing and Starting the POA" in "Post Office Agent" and "Installing and Starting the MTA" in "Message Transfer Agent" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

nlm directory

The nlm subdirectory in the agent subdirectory contains the GroupWise agent NLMTM files installed on NetWare servers. See NetWare Installation Directory.

nt directory

The nt subdirectory contains the GroupWise agent files installed on Windows servers. See Windows Installation Directory.

startups directory

The startups subdirectory contains the default startup files for the GroupWise agents. During installation, a customized startup file is created for each agent that includes the location of the domain or post office serviced by that agent. The customized startup files are named after the domain or post office for which they are created. See NetWare Installation Directory or Windows Installation Directory.

snmp directory

The snmp subdirectory contains GroupWise MIB files. For more information, see "Using SNMP Monitoring Programs" in "Post Office Agent" and "Message Transfer Agent" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

help directory

The help directory holds the help files that you can view from the agent Web consoles. See "Using the POA Web Console" in "Post Office Agent" and "Using the MTA Web Console" in "Message Transfer Agent" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

domain directory

The domain subdirectory contains the files from which domains are created.

wpdomain.dc file

The wpdomain.dc file is the distribution copy of the data dictionary for rebuilding GroupWise 4.x domain databases (wpdomain.db files) in secondary domains.

If the wpdomain.dc file is missing from the primary domain, you cannot rebuild GroupWise 4.x secondary domains. The original wpdomain.dc file is located in the domain directory of the GroupWise distribution media.

Historical Note: WordPerfect Office (WP Office), the predecessor of GroupWise, was originally designed by WordPerfect Corporation (WPCorp). Hence, the wp in wpdomain.dc. Some naming conventions were originally preserved for backward compatibility.

gwdom.dc file

The gwdom.dc file is the distribution copy of the data dictionary for creating and rebuilding GroupWise 6.x and GroupWise 5.x domain databases (wpdomain.db files) in secondary domains.

If the gwdom.dc file is missing from the primary domain, you cannot create or rebuild GroupWise 6.x/5.x secondary domains. The original gwdom.dc file is located in the domain subdirectory of the GroupWise distribution media.

Historical Note: WP Office, the predecessor of GroupWise, was originally designed by WordPerfect Corporation (WPCorp). Hence, the wp in wpdomain.db. Some naming conventions were originally preserved for backward compatibility.

wphost.dc file

The wphost.dc file is the distribution copy of the data dictionary for rebuilding GroupWise 4.x post office databases (wphost.db files).

If the wphost.dc file is missing from a domain, you cannot rebuild GroupWise 4.x post offices in that domain. The original wphost.dc file is located in the domain subdirectory of the GroupWise distribution media. There is also a copy in the po subdirectory.

Historical Note: WP Office, the predecessor of GroupWise, was originally designed by WordPerfect Corporation (WPCorp). Post offices were originally called hosts. Hence, the name wphost.dc. Some naming conventions were originally preserved for backward compatibility.

gwpo.dc file

The gwpo.dc file is the distribution copy of the data dictionary for creating and rebuilding GroupWise 6.x and GroupWise 5.x post office databases (wphost.db files).

If the gwpo.dc file is missing from a domain, you cannot create or rebuild GroupWise 6.x/5.x post offices in that domain. The original gwpo.dc file is located in the domain directory of the GroupWise CD. There is also a copy in the po directory.

Historical Note: WP Office, the predecessor of GroupWise, was originally designed by WordPerfect Corporation (WPCorp). Post offices were originally called hosts. Hence, the name wphost.db. Some naming conventions were originally preserved for backward compatibility.

po directory

The po subdirectory contains the files from which post offices are created.

ngwguard.dc file

The ngwguard.dc file is the distribution copy of the data dictionary for building the following databases in the post office:

If the ngwguard.dc file is missing from a post office, new databases cannot be created in the post office, so the post office cannot grow. The original ngwguard.dc file is located in the po directory of the GroupWise CD.

GroupWise Remote also uses the ngwguard.dc file as the data dictionary for its local databases.

client directory

The client subdirectory contains all files associated with GroupWise Windows client. See "Client" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

setup.cfg file

The setup.cfg file enables you to automate installation of the GroupWise Windows client so that your users do not need to respond to the Setup program's prompts. For more information, see "Using a Configuration File to Enable AutoUpdate and to Select Installation Responses" in "Client" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

win32 directory

The client\win32 subdirectory contains all GroupWise client files installed for use with Windows. See Windows Client.

setup.exe file

The client\win32\setup.exe file is the program GroupWise client users run to install and set up the GroupWise client on their Windows workstations. See "Client" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

addons directory

The addons directory contains subdirectories for programs that can be used along with the GroupWise client to enhance aspects of its functionality.

gwmailto directory

The gwmailto directory contains a program that makes the GroupWise Windows client the default e-mail application in your Web browser. For more information, see "[GWMAILTO]" in "Modifying the Configuration File" in "Client" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

gwtip directory

The gwtip directory contains a program that display a helpful tip about GroupWise each time the client starts. For more information, see "[GWTIP] " in "Modifying the Configuration File" in "Client" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

ofviews directory

The client\ofviews subdirectory contains platform-specific subdirectories of view files for use by the GroupWise client. In addition, the gwviewxx.ini and ofviewxx.ini files configure custom views on the menus where users select views. The gwviewxx.ini file configures GroupWise 6.x and GroupWise 5.5 views. The ofviewxx.ini file configures views from earlier versions of GroupWise.

zen directory

The zen directory contains files that let you use ZENworks Desktop Management to distribute the GroupWise Windows client to users' workstations. See "Using ZENworks Desktop Management to Distribute the GroupWise Windows Client" in "Client" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

admin directory

The admin subdirectory contains subdirectories for administrative tools that can be used with GroupWise.

c1admin directory

The admin\c1admin subdirectory contains the GroupWise snap-ins to ConsoleOne.

monitor directory

The admin\monitor subdirectory contains the GroupWise 6 Monitor program, an SNMP monitoring program for use with the GroupWise agents. See "Monitor" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

utility directory

The admin\utility subdirectory contains helpful GroupWise utilities.

gwcheck directory

The admin\utility\gwcheck subdirectory contains the GroupWise Check utility. See "GroupWise Check" in "Standalone Database Maintenance Programs" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

gwcsrgen directory

The admin\utility\gwcheck subdirectory contains the GroupWise Generate CSR utility. See "Server Certificates and SSL Encryption" in "Security" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

setupip directory

The admin\utility\setupip subdirectory contains supporting programs for the client AutoUpdate feature. See "Enabling AutoUpdate" in "Client" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

internet directory

The internet subdirectory contains subdirectories for GroupWise components that provide Internet connectivity.

gwia directory

The internet\gwia subdirectory contains the GroupWise Internet Agent software, used to connect GroupWise systems across the Internet and to allow GroupWise users to exchange e-mail with users of various Internet e-mail programs. For information about Internet Agent files and directories, see Internet Agent Queue Directory and Internet Agent Installation.

For information about the Internet Agent, see "Internet Agent" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

webaccess directory

The internet\webaccess subdirectory contains the GroupWise WebAccess software, which allows users to access their GroupWise mailboxes from a Web browser. For information about WebAccess files and directories, see WebAccess Agent Queue Directory, WebAccess Agent Installation, and Apache/Tomcat Installation

For information about WebAccess, see "WebAccess" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

license directory

The license subdirectory contains the GroupWise Software License Agreement in multiple languages. Run license.exe > select a language.

common directory

The common subdirectory contains Java files used by various components of GroupWise.

docs directory

The docs subdirectory contains language-specific subdirectories for the Installation Guide in PDF format. You can find the most up-to-date version of the GroupWise 6.5 Installation Guide on the GroupWise 6.5 Documentation Web site.