Installation Error Messages on NetWare Servers

801: ZENworks 2 files exist on the server servername . Files in PUBLIC\\ZENWORKS may be in use. The installation program was unable to rename the directory. Take a backup of the ZENWORKS directory or delete it before proceeding.
803: Input-output file error while verifying the STARTINV.NCF entry in the ZFDSTART.NCF file.
804: Unable to add the STARTINV.NCF entry in the ZFDSTART.NCF file on the server servername.
805: Schema is not extended. Unable to install Workstation Inventory component.
806: Installation of Workstation Inventory on server servername skipped.
807: Unable to assign rights to the SCANDIR directory on server servername.
808: Unable to create the SCANDIR directory and subdirectories on server servername.
811: Unable to remove the ZENworks 2 Inventory entries from the AUTOEXEC.NCF file for the server servername .
812: Unable to create the password for the Inventory Service Object on the server servername .
813: Unable to get the volumes on the server servername .
814: An internal error occurred while getting the volumes on the server servername .
815: The schema required for Workstation Inventory is not extended on the tree treename . Run the installation program with the Schema Extension option selected.
816: Unable to create the rights for the SCANDIR directory on the server servername .
817: An internal error occurred while creating rights for the SCANDIR directory.
818: Unable to get the DN of the server servername .
819: Unable to create the Configuration Property file on the server servername .
821: Service Pack 7 is not installed on the NetWare 4.1. server servername .
823: An input-output error occurred while reading the existing MGMTDBS.NCF file for the server servername .
824: Existing Sybase version on the server servername is not supported for Workstation Inventory. Do you want to overwrite or cancel the Sybase installation?
825: Unable to append the database entry in the MGMTDBS.NCF file on the servername server. Add the MGMTDB.DB entry in the .NCF file.
826: Unable to load the MGMTDBS.NCF file on the server servername .
827: Unable to get the IP Address of the database server servername .
828: Unable to initialize the database on the server servername . The installation program timed out while trying to connect to the database engine on the server.
829: Unable to identify the database type as either Sybase or Oracle for the server servername .
830: Database on the server servername is already initialized.
831: Unable to add the MGMTDBS.NCF entry in the ZFDSTART.NCF file on the server servername .
832: Incorrect Sybase version exists on the server servername . The installation program will be aborted.
833: Invalid IP Address on server servername .
834: The site ID should be an valid integer ranging from 0 to 255.
835: Unable to assign Read and File Scan rights to SYS:\\PUBLIC\\ZENWORKS on the server servername .
836: The installation program creates a new MGMTDBS.NCF. The installation program was unable to rename the existing file on the server servername . Rename MGMTDBS.NCF before proceeding with the installation.
837: Unable to create the TracerMedia Property file on the server servername .
838: Sybase6 files at servername will be deleted. Sybase7 files will be copied.
839: Unable to delete Sybase6 file, DBWTSP6.NLM, at servername .
840: Unable to delete Sybase6 file, DBSRV6.NLM, at servername .
841: Unable to delete Sybase6 file, DBLIB6.NLM, at servername .
842: Unable to delete Sybase6 file, DBREMOTE.NLM, at servername .
843: Unable to delete Sybase6 file, DBEXTF6.NLM, at servername .
844: Unable to delete Sybase6 file, DBLGEN6.NLM, at servername.
884: Old log file NAL.LOG exists. Delete the file on the server servername and proceed with the installation.
877: Unable to delete old log file, MGMTDB.LOG at servername as the file may be in use. This may happen because Sybase is running on the server. Shut down the Sybase database, delete the log file and proceed with the installation.
878: Unable to connect to the database. Start Sybase manually on the server servername before proceeding.
882: ClassPath to JDBCDRV.ZIP is not found on server servername .
887: An internal error occurred while creating the Database Object on the server servername .
888: ZfD Schema is not extended on the tree treename. Click Yes to extend Schema. Otherwise, Database object will not be created.
889: Unable to extend ZfD Schema on tree. Manually create the database object. Refer to the documentation for more information.
890: Unable to get the DN of the Database server servername.
891: Ensure that the site ID you specified has not been used earlier for any other database. Using the same site ID for more than one database will result in displaying incorrect information from the databases.
895: Unable to detect the NetWare Support Pack loaded on the server servername .
896: Unable to open the PRODUCTS.DAT file on the server servername .
1054: Unable to delete the Sybase6 file, DBWTSP6.NLM, at servername.
1055: Unable to delete Sybase6 file, DBJAVA6.NLM, at servername .
1057: Input-output file error while verifying the UNLOAD DBSRV7 entry in the ZFDSTOP.NCF file.
1058: The IP address on the server servername is invalid. Unable to initialize database.
1059: Unable to assign the ZenInvService object as trustee to [Root] on the server servername .
1060: Unable to add the STOPSER * entry in the ZFDSTOP.NCF file for the server servername .
1061: Unable to add the UNLOAD DBSRV7.NLM entry in the ZFDSTOP.NCF on the server servername .
1062: Unable to add the ZfD switch options in the MGMTDBS.NCF file on the server servername.
1063: Input-output file error while verifying the STARTINV.NCF entry in the ZFDSTOP.NCF file.
1065: Stop Sybase on the servers servernames before proceeding.
1066: Unable to assign public rights to ODBC parameters of the Database object objectname .
1067: Unable to write the status of the installation in the zeninvComponentStatus attribute of the Inventory Service Object for the server servername.
1070: Unable to read filename file. Run the installation program again.
1071: Input-output error occurred while modifying the existing MGMTDBS.NCF for the server servername.
1072: Unable to add Inventory settings for NetWare 6 in the NAMING.NCF file on the server servername . Manually update the entries in the file.
1073: Unable to add Inventory settings for NetWare 6 in the STARTINV.NCF file on the server servername . Manually update the entries in the file.
1074: Unable to add Inventory settings for NetWare 6 in the LISTSER.NCF file on the server servername . Manually update the entries in the file.
1075: Unable to add Inventory settings for NetWare 6 in the STARTSER.NCF file on the server servername . Manually update the entries in the file.
1076: Unable to add Inventory settings for NetWare 6 in the ALTERDBSPACE.NCF file on the server servername . Manually update the entries in the file.
1077: Unable to add Inventory settings for NetWare 6 in the ZEN2REMOVE.NCF file on the server servername . Manually update the entries in the file.
1078: Unable to add Inventory settings for NetWare 6 in the DROPZEN2.NCF file on the server servername . Manually update the entries in the file.
1079: Unable to add Inventory settings for NetWare 6 in the STOPSER.NCF file on the server servername . Manually update the entries in the file.

  Previous Page: Workstation Inventory Error Messages  Next Page: 801: ZENworks 2 files exist on the server servername. Files in PUBLIC\\ZENWORKS may be in use. The installation program was unable to rename the directory. Take a backup of the ZENWORKS directory or delete it before proceeding.